Close Up.. but 'not quite macro'.


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Aug 18, 2016
Having spent a lot of 'career-time' making close-up images of a wide variety of 'biological' subjects, I am still willing and able to get close up and make an image of something that I believe may make (to my eye) an 'object of interest'. All too often, we seem to take a greater interest of much wider vistas.... and somehow we forget that getting up close and somewhat 'intimate' with a smaller object outside of the 'table-top' can be just as visually 'rewarding'. This was a hasp on a door which (if my ageing memory serves me well enough) I have already posted. This image is around 75% of the actual size of the hasp. The somewhat obvious 'holes' can be taken as firm evidence that, at some time in the past, someone has taken umbrage... and made a poor attempt at 'killing' the barn door.

Image was recorded in the early evening sunlight, on Kodak Plus-X behind my 240mm Sironar for 1/15 second @ f16+1/3 and given normal development in Pyrocat HD in BTZS tubes.

A cast iron hitch 'parked' where it might not 'tripped' over... or perhaps forgotten on the west side of a small shed on a long abandoned Albertan prairie farm.

Exposure was 1/60th @ f11+1/3 onto Kodak Tri-X behind my Rodenstock 240mm Sironar when mounted on a Linhof monorail for an early summer afternoon exposure. Film processed as 'normal' in Pyrocat HD using BTZS tubes.
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Alas... without my neighbour's permission, I snuck into his back yard with my camera and tripod one evening while they were out 'shopping'... (my bad!) to make one exposure of this 'group of four' light pink Clematis flowers in the 'shade'... with the early evening light, under a clear blue sky, about three quarters of an hour before the sun was due to 'sink' below the western horizon. I WAS forgiven after pleading 'guilty' to my minor transgression and they received a 'gifted' (matted and ready to frame) final print.

Exposed to Plus-x for 1/2 second @ 1/3 stop below f16 behind my 240mm Rodentstock Sironar and developed as "Normal" in Pyrocat HD in BTZS tubes.


We ‘collar’ the dog, ‘bell’ the cat, and willingly put a ring in the bull’s nose… all for a given purpose. I have, however, been unable to come up with any purpose … or an acceptable reason for this object to the side of an old and somewhat well weather-beaten farm shed door.

Exposure was onto Kodak Plus-X behind the 240mm Rodenstock Sironar on my Linhof monorail and, after a few months of being ‘lost’, was found hiding under a pile of ‘emptied’ film holders awaiting ‘dusting-out’ and re-loading. I seem to have either misplaced or torn out the ‘details page’ of this exposed sheet of film, but went ahead and developed as ‘normal’ in Pyrocat HD in BTZS tubes.

THANKS Keith.. ANOTHER OPTION WAS OFFERED BY photographer 'FRIEND.. who has decided it dwas used for hitching a rope to the nearby fence post to reduce the chance of the shed being blown across the yard by the 120+ km/hr Chinook wind from the west.

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THANKS Keith.. ANOTHER OPTION WAS AFFERED BY PHOTOGRAApher 'FRIEND.. who has decided itdwasused fotr hitching rope to the nesrby frnce post tho reduce the chsnce of the shed being blown across the yard by the 120+ km/hr Chinook wind from the west.


My 10 cents, (well Ken is Canadian) if it is about 4 feet off the ground it is for tethering a horse for grooming. Whatever it is it is still a fine shot.
Ken is an ex-pat from Glasgow from where I 'escaped' to Canada by working my passage on a 'cattle boat' in September '63. My neighbours maintain that I still sound like I am some-what of a 'newbie' to this part of the continent.

I know the feeling.....despite moving from the east coast to the west after 50-odd years.....i know i'll never be considered a local :)
I know the feeling.....despite moving from the east coast to the west after 50-odd years.....i know i'll never be considered a local :)

But you could still learn to be-friend the midges, the muckle coos and the smir that soaks almost to the bone 8-(

Lol, well, i certainly attract the midges :( I doubt they can be befriended though!
The midges are the only bad side of Scotland!
They find me from within a mile ... ;-(((
But I still love Scotland!!
At least ther are no "Black flies" that eat you alive (almost) that are the wost curse in N Ontario. They are much smaller tha 'mozies' but they (quietly swarm really BAD) on you and bite a chunk of flesh and you don't FEEL it...(I believer there is a 'local anaesthetic involved in their siliva... but you bleed like Hell. Cattle (and the usual 'residents' and cattle up that way suffer really bad)... Insect 'barrier' sprays/creams
do not (prevent the black-flies remove a chunk of flesh and an leaving a small amount of an anti-coagilent so that the blood keeps 'flowing') do not do good job of protecting 'outside' workers.
When photographing results of post-grad's 'field-work" we HAD to wear a fine mesh "hood" to protect us from serious 'blood loss' before the work was "finished"
There have been numerous 'folk songs' about them... The most 'popular' is the "Log driving Waltz" They do not BUZZ like mosquitoes... you don't hear the black fly


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Window box geenery.jpg
C/U of greenery in my neighbour's 'inside' window-box on a cold January day with my Linhof monorail. Ilford FP4,240 mm Grandagon and exposed for 'about' 3 seconds @ f22+1/3
and Normal 'rotary' development in Pyrocat HD in BTZS tubes.

Single floret .jpg

Found this somehow 'forgotten' close-up file hiding on my HD that was made after my deciding at the time that I needed a higher magnification image of but a part of the 'whole' of the 'patch of the undergrowth would be well worth making... Ilford FP4 behind the 240 Sironar (for a better working distance) exposure was not 'recorded' to paper but was successfully developed as 'normal with Pyrocat HD in BTZS tubes.


I went down to the darkroom last night to mix a new batch of Pyrocat HD to process a new sheet of film and needed but a small aliquot of the final mix using a syringe. After 'doing what had to be done' I got to 'thinking' that there might be a good image for submitting to close-up but not macro' went back upstairs with my black velvet and a piece of cleaned glass.
Spread the velvet on and the glass the dining room table and placed the partially filled syringe there-on. "Looks good' I thought (even under the overhead 'soft' light (with four 60 watt light bulbs behind the large 'white glass' "bowl')
set up the Linhof on the tripod with 240mm lens behind which was a newly loaded sheet of TX 400. camera pointed 'down and rear standard was put to 'vertical',

Indicated exposure was 1/2 second @ f16+1/3 and adjusted for bellows extension. Development was 'Normal' in Pyrocat HD
in my BTZS tubes


A neighbour's son was taking an after school "Photography' class and asked if I could help photographing his dad's wine glass
with his 'point and shoot' camera and we then headed off to the darkroom and processed the roll of 35mm (ASA 125). "Things" did not turn out well,, so I got the Linhof set up on my tripod put the glass on the table (again).. made a 'quicke' 'snood' (with some 'cardboard' on one of my behind the camera lamps directed it at the 'not quite white' wall (rather than the wine glass itself) all other room lighting was turned off and he made two exposures after getting a spot meter reading off the wall and placed that value on Z VIII+ 2/3 with FP4 which was then developed in (for normal) in Pyrocat HD in BTZS tubes. It was not until I scanned the negative and saw the image on my screen that I 'noticed the 'unblinking eye' at the top of the stem.

I just HAD to let 'him' depress the shutter-cable to claim that "HE" had made the second exposure... on the 'other side of the film holder FP4 developed as 'normal' in Pyrocad HD in BTZS tubes

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tree hole.jpg

"there's a hole at the bottom of the sea".. (sorry no 'musical accompanyment)

BUtT... they may also be found in 'old' tree trunks

And I had actually forgotten that the film in this film holder had gone un-developed but was still in my 'to be developed' tray
and had to refer to my somewhat Diary of 'things to be done'

While taking our dog around the park just after the sun had gone 'down', (early October last year) Gir got a bir 'excited as a 'scared' squirrel decided it was time to 'hide' and scurried a couple of yards and jumped into this hole a couple of feet off the ground... I'm not sure If it was an last year's 'nesting ground' But I am of the (un-professional) mind that he/she was out seeking a 'something' to eat.
I decided there 'might" be an interesting photograph to be made ,so after the "walkies" were over, returned with my Linhof , tripod the150mm Sironar and the only loaded film holder. (FP4)

The nearby street lamp with 'energy saving' LED lamps did not provide 'good enough' illumination and I had to focus (and make the exposure expose) by and "painting the 'subject" using the iPhone 'around' the camera while holding the shutter 'open'

I made two exposures... (both as rough 'guestimates) the first for 15 seconds and the second for 30 @ f8' film developed as Normal in BTZS Tubes with Pyrocat HD.

I am somewhat 'pleased with the results.. but have to admit it was more 'lucky flying'... "by the seat of my pants".
One of these days I'll (maybe) take the time to 'count the rings' and 're-photograph' in daylight
